This is a summary post on all the things to take note of when dealing with different models. The text summarises what I read from the three books (links shown in reference)
- Linear models: Go to as a first algorithm to try. Good for large datasets.
- k-nearest neighbours: for small datasets, good as a baseline.
- Decision trees: Fast, don’t need scaling of data, easily visualized and explained.
- Random forests: Don’t need scaling of data, not good for high dimensional sparse data.
- SVM: Good for medium sized datasets with predictors with similar meaning. Require scaling fo data, must carry out parameter tuning.
- Neural networks: Sensitive to scaling of data and to choice of parameters. Can build very complex models, but need a long time to train.
- to search for patterns and trends in a dataset
- how big is the dataset?
- what do the fields mean?
- summary statistics
- pairwise correlations
- class breakdowns
- plots of distributions
Check for errors/artifacts
- visualization to check for outliers, anomalies
- summary statistics to check
Missing values
- Missing data can be imputed if needed.
- Tree-based techniques can handle missing data.
The steps in recipe package to handle missing data are:
- step_bagimpute, step_impute_linear, step_knn_impute, step_mean_impute, step_impute_median, step_mode_impute, step_unknown
Centering and scaling
The steps in recipe package to handle missing data are:
- step_center, step_normalize, step_range, step_scale
Normalization (Z-scores) should only be used on normally distributed variables.
For scikit-learn, the available ways are: - StandardScaler (mean = 0, variance = 1) - RobustScaler (median and quantiles are used, ignoring outliers) - MinMaxScaler (all features are exactly between 0 and 1) - Normalizer (feature vector has Euclidean length of 1)
Resolve skewness
Log, square root, inverse transformations may be used.
Log transformation is used to transform skewed data into a normal distribution. Before applying log transformation, ensure that all the data values only contain positive values, otherwise there would be errors.
Square root and cube transformation has a moderate shape on distribution shape and can be used to reduce left skewness.
Square and cube root transformation has a fairly strong transformation effect on the distribution shape but is weaker than log transformations. It can be applied to right skewed data.
Box-Cox, Yeo-Johnson transformations may also be used.
The steps in recipe package to handle missing data are:
- step_Boxcox, step_inverse, step_log, step_sqrt, step_YeoJohnson
- Depends on whether outliers were due to data entry errors, or maybe there’s underlying reasons for outliers and you may not want to discard that data point.
- Reduce the number of X variables for modelling
The steps in recipe package to handle missing data are:
Removing Predictors
- Near-zero variance predictors: have single unique value, uninformative variable
- Tree-based techniques can handle such predictors, but not so for linear regression.
The steps in recipe package to handle missing data are:
- step_nzv, step_rm, step_zv
- Redundant predictors add more complexity to the model
The steps in recipe package to handle missing data are:
- step_corr (high correlation filter)
Training, Testing
- split into training, testing data.
- training data is for fitting model
- testing data is for evaluating model performance
- from training data, resampling techniques may be used for tuning model parameters
- resampling techniques include: k-fold cross-validation, bootstrapping
k-fold cross-validation
- typically 5-fold or 10-fold
- training data is divided into folds, the first fold is treated as validation set, while the remaining fold are used for model training.
- 10-fold repeated cv is recommended for small sample sizes due to higher variance (vs bootstrapping has higher bias for smaller sample sizes)
- for larger sample sizes, simple 10-fold cv may be used for both model assessment (evaluating model performance) and model selection (selecting proper level of flexibility for model) due to faster computational times.
- sampling is taken with replacement
- if the aim is to choose between models of different flexibility, bootstrapping may be used due to lower variance.
eg number of neighbours, tuning parameter etc (model-specific parameters)
one-standard error method: determining the numerically optimal value and its corresponding standard error, and then seek the simplest model whose performance is within a single standard error of the numerically best value.
Linear regression
- must not have missing data
- check for outliers
- centering, scaling, normalization
- remove highly correlated predictors –> if highly correlated, consider PLS
- number of predictors must NOT be larger than number of observations –> consider reducing number of variables by PCA, PLS, filtering out redundant variables
Tuning Parameters
No tuning parameters
Shrinkage methods for linear regression
Ridge Regression
Fit a model containing all predictors using a technique that constrains or regularizes the coefficient estimates (slope), ie shrinks the coefficient estimates towards zero.
Regularization means explicitly restricting a model to avoid over-fitting.
Usually, ridge regression is the first choice when comparing between ridge regression and lasso regression.
Ridge regression will perform better when the response is a function of many predictors, all with coefficients of roughly equal size
- impute missing values
- standardizing of predictors
Tuning parameter:
tuning parameter, lamda, serves to control the relative effect on regression coefficient estimates.
when tuning parameter is 0, model is similar to OLS model
when tuning parameter is infinitely high, model is like a null model without any predictors since all the coefficient estimates are zero, although all predictors are included in the model.
shrinkage penalty is only applied to coefficient estimates, and not the intercept (which is the mean value when response is zero)
Lasso Regression
Lasso shrinks the coefficient estimates towards zero. However, some of the coefficient estimates are forced to be exactly zero when the tuning parameter is sufficiently large.
It performs variable selection, when the coefficient estimates are zero, the predictors are ignored by the model.
Lasso regression will perform better when a relatively small number of predictors have substantial coefficients, and the remaining predictors have coefficients that are very small or equal zero.
Tuning parameter
tuning parameter, lamda, serves to control the relative effect on regression coefficient estimates.
when tuning parameter is 0, model is similar to OLS model
when tuning parameter is infinitely high, model is like a null model without any predictors since all the coefficient estimates are zero, although all predictors are included in the model.
- impute missing values
- standardizing of predictors
Non-Linear regression
Neural Networks
- must remove excessive predictors
SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- used for both classification and regression
- generates optimal hyperplanes with a large margin in n-dimensional space to separate data-points.
- the basic idea is to discover the maximum marginal hyperplane (MMH) which perfectly separates the data into the given classes. The hyperplane is a decision boundary used to distinguish between two classes.
- this means the maximum distance between data points of both classes (aka margin)
- support vectors are the closes points to the hyperplane and help in the orientation of the hyperplane by maximising the margin.
k-nearest neighbours
Non-Linear regression
Decision Trees
Decision trees can be applied to both regression and classification problems.
- impute missing data
- transform outcome variable such that it is not skewed
- can handle categorical predictors without the need to create dummy variables
Tuning parameters:
- optimal level of tree complexity
Random Forests
k-nearest neighbour
- Number of neighbours
Logistic Regression
Logistic regression models the probability that Y belongs to a particular category.
Generic 0/1 encoding is used for outcome (eg 0 = no, 1 = yes for defaulting on credit)
log(odds of defaulting) = bo + b1X
If X = balance, b1 = 0.0055, one unit increase in balance is associated with an increase in the log odds of defaulting by 0.0055 units.
If p-value is significant, then there is an assocation with balance and probability of default.
- centering, scaling
- near zero variance predictors removed
- correlated predictors dealt with
Tuning parameters:
Support Vector Classifier
- the two outcome classes may not be separable by a hyperplane
- support vector classifier looks for a hyperplane that can correctly separate most of the training observations into the two classes, but may mis-classify a few observations.
Tuning parameters:
- C: the budget for the amount that the margin can be violated by n observations. If C = 0, then there is no budget for violations to the margin. As C increases, we become more tolerant of violations to the margin, and the margin will widen.
SVM (Support Vector Machines)
used for both classification and regression
generates optimal hyperplanes with a large margin in n-dimensional space to separate data-points.
the basic idea is to discover the maximum marginal hyperplane (MMH) which perfectly separates the data into the given classes. The hyperplane is a decision boundary used to distinguish between two classes.
this means the maximum distance between data points of both classes (aka margin)
support vectors are the closes points to the hyperplane and help in the orientation of the hyperplane by maximising the margin.
several approaches available, eg radial basis function kernel
works well on low-dimension and high-dimension data, but don’t scale very well with the number of samples (up to 10,000 samples is ok, but not up to 100,000)
- scale the data such that all predictors are between 0 and 1, eg by using min-max scaling.
Tuning parameters:
C parameter: a small C means a very restricted model, where each data-point can only have very limited influence, somewhat like a linear model. Increasing C, allows the decision boundary to bend more to correctly classify data points, resulting in a more flexible model.
gamma: controls the width of the radial basis function. It determines the scale of what it means for the points to be close together. It limits the importance of each point. A small gamma means a large radius for the rbf kernel, and many points are considered close by. It gives a model of lower complexity.
Decision Trees
Decision trees can be applied to both regression and classification problems. The decision tree has three basic components: the internal node, the branch, and the leaf nodes. Each terminal node represents a feature (predictor), and the link represents the decision rule or split rule, and the leaf provides the result of the prediction.
- there is no need to normalise X variables
- balance out the dataset as decision trees are biased with imbalanced data
Tuning parameters:
max_depth: maximum number of questions that can be asked. Limiting the depth of the tree decreases over-fitting. This leads to a lower accuracy on the training set, but an improvement on the test set.
setting either one is sufficient to prevent over-fitting
Random Forests
Neural Networks
- able to capture information contained in large amounts of data and build very complex models
- take a long time to train
- quite complicated to tune, parameters include number of layers, and number of hidden units per layer.
- Outcome (Y) is unknown.
- Often performed as part of exploratory data analysis
- Principal components allow for summarising the set of correlated variables with a smaller number of representative variables that collectively explain most of the variability in the original set.
- impute missing values
- variables must be means-centered, scaled
- remove redundant X variables (curse of dimensionality)
k-means clustering
- k-means takes data and the number of clusters as input, and selects k random data items as the initial centers of clusters.
- data items are allocated to the nearest cluster center
- select new cluster center by averaging the values of other cluster items
- repeat until there is no change in clusters
Tuning parameters:
Hierarchical Clustering
- groups data based on different levels of a hierarchy
- does not require that we commit to a particular number of clusters
- results in a dendrogram
- Min-Max scaling
- Variables should be means-centered and scaled to have standard deviation of one
- mean squared error: small if the predicted and true values are very similar
- root mean squared error: most commonly used, ie how far the residuals are from zero, or as the average distance between the observed and model predicted values.
- r-squared value: a measure of correlation, not accuracy
- accuracy
- sensitivity, true positive rate
- specificity. false positive rate = 1-specificity
- positive predicted value: what is the probability that this sample is an event
- negative predicted value: analog to specificity
- false positive rate
- false negative rate
- auc under ROC curve
For attribution, please cite this work as
lruolin (2021, Nov. 23). pRactice corner: Summary for Modelling. Retrieved from https://lruolin.github.io/myBlog/posts/20211123 - Summary for modelling/
BibTeX citation
author = {lruolin, },
title = {pRactice corner: Summary for Modelling},
url = {https://lruolin.github.io/myBlog/posts/20211123 - Summary for modelling/},
year = {2021}